Our Council
Thank you for your interest in the Business of Council. On this page you will find our meeting agendas and notices of upcoming meetings. We welcome your suggestions for councils consideration. Our contact information is available here to make it easy to send us a note.
Meet Our Team
Dean Menssa
Scott Wouters
Marcel Bernier
Carmen Menssa
A LetterFrom The
Welcome back to Metinota’s beautiful sky’s and long summer evenings. With holiday season excitement, we welcome back all of our seasonal residents and say hello again to all of our neighbours
and friends who make our wonderful Resort home. Your Council wishes you all warm summer adventures, friendly company, sandy beaches and a generous mix of calm water and steady winds.
In the pages that follow we celebrate this remarkable community in the photography provided by our residents and invite you to send us your favourite photos so we can keep these pages fresh. Through this community website we are providing for the first time, continuous access the issues and
activities of council and invite you to follow our meetings through the shared agenda’s and meeting minutes.
Financial updates will be available online in the Approved Budget, monthly financial report and audited Financial Statements.
Community Bylaws are available to everyone and we will continue our effort to make electronic versions available on the website through the conversion of old paper records. We will use the notification features to keep you informed on important issues and events as they arise and hope you add these pages to your favourites and visit them often.
We will reproduce featured stories and photographs provided to the Millennium History Committee and republish their work “From Point to Point”.
Thank you for visiting your new community website. Have a safe and adventure filled summer in Metinota.
Best regards,
Tim LaFreniere
Extra Info
Resort Village of Metinota does not have scheduled regular meetings. At the end of each regular meeting, the next regular meeting date is set. Notice of a Special Council Meeting will be sent by email to those residents that have given permission to use email and a notice is posted on the bulletin board at the Meota Post office.
To appear before Council contact Carmen Menssa, Administrator via email rvmetinota@sasktel.net or by calling 306-441-6416. As part of the regular Council Agenda, an opportunity is provided for presentations and delegations to Council. Presentations shall be limited to 15 minutes in duration unless Council allows otherwise.
All presenters of delegates must submit a request in writing for a presentation or delegation appointment to the Administrator no less than 5 working days in advance of the Council meeting date. All groups or individuals giving presentations are required to provide written documentation to administration, which clearly outlines the nature of business for inclusion in the agenda package. Delegations request reappearance on a specific matter shall only be permitted to do so if the information to be presented is new or a significant addition to that which was previously presented.
To place a written correspondence item before Council, contact Carmen Menssa, Administrator via email at rvmetinota@sasktel.net or by calling 306-441-6416 . Please be advised that given the public nature of all Council and committee meetings, could have their correspondence, including name and address, disclosed at meetings.